Everyone Safe and Home

Well, Christmas can officially begin now in our house.

Floss came home last night, after a four hour delay on her flight but she is here and that is all that matters.  It was quite the ordeal for her.  And, yes, of course Lambie was thrilled to see her too.

And we all survived the immense storm (it was very noisy last night) and, although it has calmed down wind-wise, we have a Met Office 24 hour Yellow Warning for snow and possible blizzards out now.

Temperatures are plummeting as I type.

After a family conference first thing, it was decided that we would attempt a Christmas tree this year.  We haven’t had one for the past two years due to small puppy chaos.

We have decided that we can trust everyone, though I have a feeling I am going to regret this.

Now Ted I trust.  He is sensible.

And Pepper has said she will try her very best….. (honest, Mum!)

But, when he is in one of his silly moods, then this may be the year Monster fells the “Hong Kong” spruce, as my Mum used to call it.

Though, Monster is quite into jigsaw puzzles at present.

7 thoughts on “Everyone Safe and Home

  1. Sam

    You might want to wire the tree to something heavy. Just in case a pup or feline feels the need to play “Godzilla”. We tied a small fake tree to a cabinet because Little Miss Maine Coon might get off her heating pad and attack. Congrats on having the whole family together.

  2. Celeste

    So glad to hear your girls are finally there, safe and sound. Let the holiday festivities begin! I saw that 80 mph winds are predicted, wow I can’t even imagine that without picturing a hurricane. Wishing all of your two and four legged family a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

  3. darby callahan

    so happy for you that the girls are home and the storm, for now, has passed. good luck with the tree. my cats never bothered the tree much except for battiing off a few ornaments and once peeing on the tree skirt. my antique nativity was not so lucky. it was my grandmother’s. during one of their skirmishes a donkey, the camel and two of the wise men were beheaded.

  4. Judith Garbutt

    I couldn’t help worrying about you when I couldn’t sleep last night – we had gale force winds but nothing like as ferocious as yours! I’m so pleased both your girls made it home safely. I hope you all have a lovely time over the next few days, despite anything the weather might throw at you.

  5. diane in northern wis

    Welcome home to Floss now too. Oh I just love your tree and all your ornaments…..sure hope it can stay up and beautiful this Christmas! Merry Christmas to you all!


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