Sort of Playing

Mum (that would be me on the phone to home): “So, Daisy how are you?  How is everyone doing?”

Daisy (my elder daughter, holding the fort with my OH while I am away south): “We’re all fine”.

Me:  “Are the foals meeting up and allowed to play properly, yet?”

Daisy: “Yes, they are playing nicely together now.”

Me:  “Define nicely”

Daisy:  “Well, more sort of annoying each other and then running back to their Mums!”

Me:  “Oh, ok, well at least they are talking now.  Perhaps proper playing will come later.”

Daisy:  “Hopefully.”

Me:  “And Lambie?  How are the Boyzenberries (my pet Shetland sheep) doing?”

Daisy:  “Since you said Lambie was fat, Lambie is on a biscuit ration of one biscuit a day and his hard feed has been stopped. In revenge, he has taken to head-butting the van trying to get the chicken food which is thrown underneath the chassis!”

Daisy:  “Oh yes, and Loki went a-visiting our neighbours.  We had a phone call asking us to collect him!”

This is a pretty normal and regular state of affairs.  Loki loves our neighbours very much (obviously reciprocated) and it is no great trial walking up our track to retrieve our dog!   It used to be Jack (part Patterdale, part honey badger) and the baton has been passed on to Loki now.  Luckily, our neighbours love Loki.

So, that’s what is going on at home.

3 thoughts on “Sort of Playing

  1. Sam

    Ah the revenge of a family critter put on half rations! Would love to see the head butting of the van.
    The foalios will work things out, all toddlers do. Or their Mums work it out for them.

  2. Nancy

    I love that you put your conversation between the photos!
    It animates the pictures somehow!

    Poor Lambie! ha ha!

  3. Linda

    Kids will be kids, eh?
    And we have the same thing with our dog; she runs away (i.e., makes it over the fence) and never goes any further than the neighbor’s house next door – because her doggie boyfriend lives there.


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