Shetland Ponies are Trouble

We had snow last night.  Not a huge amount, but snow none-the-less.

The daily trawl had me going to see the Minions (found them – lucky me!) and on the way home I stopped off to say hello to Brá and Hetja.

They looked gorgeous in the calm winter sunlight.

Meanwhile, over the road, Fönix, my neighbour’s Icelandic horse was trying to have a quiet snooze in his field.

He was doing quite well until his two little field-friends, Ulysses and Festus, arrived. We watched, totally amazed, as they tried pawing him (sadly, I hadn’t got my camera at that stage).

Fönix could bear it not more and gave up his idea of peace and quiet.

Feeling rather “got at” ,he walked over to the fence where we were standing, and trying hard not to laugh.

This is Fönix’s “help me” face.

Butter wouldn’t melt.

And then Ulysses and Festus swiftly dismissed Fönix as a Boring Grown-Up and started playing together.


Hetja looked on from her field.  You can almost hear her say “bloody Shetland ponies”.  She’s not fan and would not have been nearly as tolerant or as nice as Fönix.

I drove home giggling to myself.



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