First up was Vitamin. Every morning, she keeps an ear and eye out for me and my buckets. I think cantering up is the only exercise she actually gets. Still, she is very enthusiastic and that is good to see.
Fivla prefers a more sedate approach, confident in the knowledge that I won’t give her bucket to anyone else. I wouldn’t dare!
I put Vitamin’s bucket in a little fenced off bit so she can eat at her own speed, at a relaxed pace and without the threat of her bucket being stolen.
Storm, I said “without the threat of her bucket being stolen.” He wouldn’t dare. He is not that stupid. Optimistic, yes, but not stupid.
Dear old Vitamin. It is only recently that I can see that she is looking her age.
But there’s not much I can do for her apart from giving her a regular meal, swoosh her teeth (so no debris lingers) and observe her actual quality of life.
We had a quiet chat about this and she is still happy.
Vitamin would be the first to tell me when she’d had enough. I know that.
Meanwhile, Waffle was feeling the heat horribly. He eventually came over huffing and puffing and complaining bitterly about the “hot” Shetland summer. So I got one of the now-empty feed buckets and drenched him in the cold stream water.
He loved that!
It made a huge difference and he was much happier.
The others entertained themselves.
Newt tried to squish the two beautiful orchids I was trying to photogragh.
And then he had a discussion with the bucket.
Life is seldom dull with the Minions.
Love how, no matter the age, a hungry pony will come at full speed for a bucket of yummy.
I have to feel for Waffle in his black coat and heat. As for Newt and the need to defeat the bucket – carry on. And as for Storm The Ever Hopeful for a Bucket of His Own – keep the faith.
But there is no need to stomp on a lovely orchid!
Vitamin and Fivla – still beautiful.