Riding At Last

Happy, happy days. Haakon was shod yesterday so this morning I tacked him up to go for a ride.

Daisy came too on Iacs.  He was very happy to be going out with his cousin (and obviously Daisy was thrilled to be accompanying her dear old Mum!)

This is my “Happy Face”.  Iacs has started his scrounge for the carrots and treats I have secreted apparently all over my person.

And so off we went, like we always used to and nothing had changed.

Riding was great. I managed to get on and off fine and the bit in the middle of going along was wonderful.

I had no pain and I felt very safe.

Haakon went beautifully but he is very unfit and we only have two gaits – piggy pace and walk.

I don’t care.  I have decided to try and ride every other day and this winter we will both get fitter together.

As always, the views were the best.

And then, afterwards, I went out with my sheeple for my physiotherapy walk.

I thinking the daily walking has helped hugely.  I am nearly back to “normal” again.

12 thoughts on “Riding At Last

  1. Helen

    While your website was loading just now (slowly..), I was thinking – what post would I most enjoy reading… about the sheep or Beanne or the Minions, and I settled for a post about Haakon and Iacs because they remind me of my pony and seem so sweet, and then it was a post about them!! Thank you! Also, glad you are riding again!

  2. darby callahan

    so happy to see that you are riding again! perhaps this will inspire me to gt back on again after nearly a year of sloth. you go girl!

  3. diane in northern wis

    Wow….you’re almost back to normal again Frances! That’s so awesome. Hope you continue to feel better and better and better. I loved seeing you out riding with Daisy and then walking with the sheeples! What a great blog you have. Love all the pics and video!

  4. Mary C. McNamara

    I believe Sir W. Churchill said “there is nothing better for the inside of a man/woman , than the outside of a horse.” Hope you continue to improve. You are correct your sheeple walks are the ticket. Take it slow and easy. Warmest wishes,

  5. Carol Espinosa

    So happy to know you’re riding again! And wonderful to hear that Little Cattie has found her way home at last.

    Monster looks rather slim as he stretches up into the fridge. I can see that you really aren’t feeding him enough 😉

  6. Linda

    A great big HURRAY! for you Frances! I’m so glad to see you riding again, and feeling “nearly back to normal”*

    *Let’s face it; as we get older “normal” is always changing…


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