Rabbit Rescue

A certain small dog knows there are baby rabbits out there and, yesterday, Pepper spent a few hours, unbeknowngst to us, digging up a rabbit’s nest.

Not good.  She brought a baby rabbit home in her mouth and dropped it so, as it was still moving and looked relative unharmed, I picked it up and popped it back in what-I-thought was it’s nest.

But I was not sure if it was The Nest because there are so many rabbit holes about….. and what if it wasn’t and what if it’s mother didn’t know where it was and it just stayed there and died and it would be all my (Pepper’s) fault?

So I phoned my wonderful rabbit-rescuing neighbour and asked her if she could help.  She said she would so I went back to the nest, now with a small cardboard box, took all the fur and hay around the baby rabbit and took it to my neighbour.

Things are not hopeful because baby-rabbit is very young (a few days old at most) and these things never go well but we have to try.

And my neighbour does have previous.  Meet Bugsy, who I rescued last year from Pepper’s hunt in the muck-heap.

Bugsy was a few weeks older when I handed him over to my neighbour asking her if there was anything she could do to help, but here he is as a very happy house rabbit who is totally wonderful and much loved by the whole family, including the dog and cats.

So thoughts and prayers for wee bun.  We can only hope (Day 2 – eating plus a pee and poo but it is early days).


5 thoughts on “Rabbit Rescue

  1. Kathleen Ann Woolley

    Oh dear Pepper, last week it was trying to bring down a sheep, this week bunny hunting. What ever next ? Please not the ducks……very true, once a terrier, always a terrier ❤️

  2. Shelley

    I wasn’ t aware that wild rabbits could be domesticated. I kept house rabbits at my shop for years and wished I could domesticate a Jackrabbit. This fellow is so handsome.


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