Polite Police

I will admit to having jumped quickly on the Polite/Police bandwagon because I believe that if anything makes a speeding driver think twice and slow down when they see a horse and rider/leader, then it is a good thing.


Today, Floss, my youngest came home so she accompanied me on my daily trudge.  Ever one for hi-viz, I gave her my new Polite waiscoat and BeAnne wore her harness, with me in my usual orange jacket.


Obviously my “Polite” horse took his job very seriously.  There was a thorough search….


Constant Surveillance ….


…. leading to an Arrest


The Police dog was responsible for Crowd Control and Dispersal.

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What can I say? If the Police seriously think that folk are fooled by a fat hairy Icelandic horse being led or even ridden by one of their officers on a single track road in the middle of nowhere, then good luck to them.

I think we looked very smart and rather like we knew what we were doing, which makes a pleasant change!

BeAnne and Haakon – enjoy the ride!


2 thoughts on “Polite Police

  1. Frances Post author

    Jacket purchased 6 years ago for small child (still fits) with Polite waistcoat over the top which just sets it off as a fashion statement for horse and dog walking. Thank you, btw.


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