Piano Practice

Every morning, when OH takes the dogs out for a walk, I have the house to myself and I play the piano.  I have played since I was very young (4) and it is my relaxation, when I switch off. Mostly I sight read because that is what I like doing most (and I have the brain of a hen so I never remember if I have played it before or not!)

And then Monster arrived.

And it instantly became very difficult to play properly.

There was also the accompanying very noisy protest.  Some might say “singing”. I wouldn’t. He howled for attention.

And I can’t really play the piano when someone is glaring at me.

From every angle!

So I told Monster to go busy himself with something else and he clambered onto the top of the piano.

I will admit that Monster looks very pretty with the flower arrangement and I’ve had some fun putting filters on the photos to see if it made the White Panther look more picturesque.

Ok, he has a certain charm.

Until he came back to glare at me some more. I gave up and made myself a cup of coffee and then the dogs rushed back in covered in mud and the house went back to normal!

8 thoughts on “Piano Practice

  1. Sam

    Clearly you did not play a piece that amplified his magnificent being. Your photos show this off but the music critic wants more like John Williams score for his dramatic entrance.

  2. Mary Colleen McNamara

    Zez Confrey would be proud of Monster, although I think the piano piece was “Kitten on the Keys” and there wasn’t any vocal accompaniment . Monster does look stunning with the flowers.

  3. Judith Garbutt

    Difficult to play with a cat sitting on the keyboard – but I couldn’t ever have played that piece of music with or without a cat to help!!

  4. Elva

    Well it is time to inform the medical community that Monster does indeed provide help in curing symptoms of COVID. I am living proof! Every time I read one of your posts where Monster is the star, I feel better! I am back to building fence and throwing hay bales around! Monster’s abilities are amazing, as I am surrounded by animals with incredible talents, like the two Border Collies, who probably can read medical journals, and my super cat SkipTaMaLou, who even has the gift of super stripes, but it is Monster that seems to have given me back my strength and energy!!

  5. diane in northern wis

    I love cats and yours is a special favorite of mine. How cool that you play the piano….I took lessons as a kid but quit too soon. Keep up the good playing …. well …. when you can!


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