Patient Update

The patients are doing very well.

Albie seems fine and not even noticing the bits that are missing.

He is in a small paddock with his friends and relatives – Tiddles (with conjunctivitis – being treated), One-Nut-Newt (who had a reprieve) and Storm (who came along for the ride, so to speak!)

They are a happy little bunch in the post-op ward.

Tiddles is keeping everyone on their hooves.  He likes to annoy.

I sat down with Albie and gave him lots of hugs.  He is fine, absolutely fine.

Meanwhile, the sheeples escaped onto the hill.  Obviously, now they are tagged, it does not matter but I like to call them home in the evening.

First up was ‘Ster who had lost the others and was hanging around with “Rammie”, an old wild Shetland ram who spends his time with Fivla and Vitamin, if he can.  ‘Ster was very happy to come home.

The films are worth the wait – darling boyzenberries take a while to come home.

Next up,  it was Lambie and ‘Bert’s turn to come home.  I just call them all, and they come running.  That hill goes back for at least 10 miles!

I love it when they run home, all enthusiastic to see me (or a bowl of food! – I tell myself it is me).

13 thoughts on “Patient Update

  1. Robin

    At least Lambie isn’t hanging his head like he was the other day!

    These videos remind me of MANON OF THE SPRING and how she calls her goats!!!

  2. Sam

    Glad The Minions in the Recovery Ward are doing well. I do think it is more you than the food bowl that inspires the Bozenberries to run home.

  3. Judith Garbutt

    It’s only in the recent photographs that I’ve really noticed Newt’s mane and tail. Where did all that mane hair come from at such a young age? And is his tail really grey? Fascinating! You could enter the sheepies for races, the speed they come home!

  4. Terri

    Delightful post, and the best films I’ve seen all year! Gotta love those Boyzenberries — they come home to YOU!

  5. Carol E

    Lambie is moving so well! Watching him jump the ditch made me smile, especially compared to his difficulties as a young lamb.

  6. diane in northern wisconsin

    Aww I loved the videos of your sweet sheep coming home. I’m sure they’re coming to see you Frances! Love all your pics….I just seem to be having a little trouble keeping some of the names straight. I’ll keep working on it!!! Thanks for a great blog.

  7. Linda

    Wonderful films, I’m just sitting here looking at that big beautiful field, and suddenly these little “blobs” starting moving closer and then running, then stopping when they get sidetracked by something, then running again, and suddenly here come the Boyzenberries…thank you!

  8. Nancy

    Nice to know everyone is doing well in recovery!!

    It’s nice to see the videos of the sheepies coming home, but I only wish there was sound!!
    I would love to hear the wind and hear them running towards you!

    1. Frances Post author

      You are missing me shouting and BeAnne howling! She always howls when I yell for the sheep/horses!

  9. Celeste Nossiter

    Of course they come for you, they love their mom! Don’t they want love first, and food second?!?


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