“”Painting the Forth Bridge” is a colloquial expression for a never-ending task, coined on the erroneous belief that at one time in the history of the (Edinburgh) bridge repainting was required and commenced immediately upon completion of the previous repaint.” – Wikipedia
Well, that’s how I feel about rasping small pony hooves. It never ends. It never will end and I can’t leave it for any length of time as it always needs doing. The Forth Bridge or Shetland pony hooves.
Today, I rasped the teensy-tinesy hooves of Newt (who was superb – he really has turned a corner about this). What a guy!
Albie – who was moderately helpful.
Tiddles – who got a smacked bottom for stiff legs, refusing to help and generally being uncooperative. I am sorry (I am not) but we had words. I won. He gave up being a tit and his reward at the end was a very small bit of carrot which I grudgingly gave him.
And then, lastly, feeling very weak by now, Vitamin, who was ooooooookaaaaaaay. Not brilliant, but not awful.
I ran out of steam after that but I know who is left to do. I have a farrier coming on Thursday to check I am keeping on top of their hooves and doing it right.
Tomorrow, I will do battle with Silver….
Fivla and Storm
And Waffle – but I may have to go over and get him. Today was an Alone Day (large black dot/lump in distance).
Althought blowy, it was nice to spend time with my Shetlands. As I write this, my Painpod is on full revs and boost. An essential piece of kit for this never-ending job – my very own Forth Bridge.
Hooves like housework is never done. Or in my case, combing the 2 Maine Coon cats so the vaccum cleaner won’t get clogged. Sorry Tiddles was a twit.
Backbreaking work!
It’s literally true of the Golden Gate Bridge: they paint the whole thing, end to end, all year long. Great job security. I hope your back doesn’t complain too much.