Off Again

I am off on my travels again south to stay with my mother.

Since the funeral, she has had an operation and needs my nursing care and support now.

This summer, I have spent so little time at home, that I am finding it difficult to feel settled anywhere.

I have also made a concerted effort not to get too involved with home life.

They are managing fine without me.

However, I have let myself become briefly reacquainted with the foals.

At the moment, they barely know who I am but I get to tickle and receive a random nose kissey if I am very lucky.

There will be plenty of time later.

Since being sheared, the Sheeples are on fine form.

‘Bert has, at last, put on weight and looks wonderful.  All rounded out – his harsh time on the scattald (open hill) has been forgotten.

Lambie alternates between pretending he doesn’t know me or wanting biscuits.  He is very fickle and easily bought.

My little vegetable garden is going great guns too.  I did a bit of a thinning and tidy up and we had rocket for supper (so proud of myself, sniff – my first growings!)

Out in the big field, my boys are doing well.

I miss them more than words.

Everyone who lost weight this winter has put it back on again.

Once I get back properly, Newt and Albie will be gelded.

It has to be done.

And Her Maj?  Well, she is thrilled I am home and I know she is happy sleeping in Daisy’s room when I am away, so I will just count the days until I am back again.

To be honest, I am finding this very difficult.

6 thoughts on “Off Again

  1. Judith Garbutt

    Dear Frances, I’m so sorry you’re having such a hard time. I hope your mother makes a speedy recovery and you can get back home quickly. I’m not surprised you’re finding it difficult. Will Flossie be home soon to help Daisy? Was she happy with her final result from university? Little Newt looks like he needs some special love! xx

    1. Frances Post author

      Daisy and Floss are both home.

      I don’t believe in stripping foals until they are really ready. A few more weeks and then we will start on Newt. Remember, it is at least ten degrees cooler where we are so quite cold and they hang onto their fur for a reason x

  2. Margaret Robinson

    Best of luck taking care of your Mom and don’t forget to take care of yourself as well. The “herd” (meaning the whole big family) will survive, though barely, without you for a little while. And, you will survive without them. Priorities suck sometimes.

  3. Linda

    Just looking at your photos it so understandable how home-sick you get. At the very least, you know they will welcome you back when you return – knowing that you’ve somehow been “missing”.
    Hope your mum’s operation and recovery go well.

  4. diane in northern wisconsin, US

    So sorry to hear that you have to be gone again Frances. I’m sure everybody misses you so much when you’re away. Praying that your mother will heal well from her surgery, with your help, and that you can return home before too long. You will be missed.

  5. Louise Stopford

    It must be a comfort to know that everyone at home is in very capable hands and your daughters and OH are indeed doing a grand job while you are away. Sometimes we do have to prioritise in life, it can’t be helped as we have to do what is right.. Hopefully your mum will make a speedy recovery and you can return to your home and family knowing that you have done the best for her.


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