Now A Little Snow

The ground is much harder from a bit of a frost last night so I let Haakon out of his stable to get some fresh air.  I soaked his right (far side) foot (potential abscess brooding there now), cleaned his left (near side) hoof (old abscess and over-reach injury has left a huge hole), rubbed Cornucrescine Hoof Ointment in and fed him his Farrier’s Formula.

While Haakon was standing in his bucket of hot water, I groomed him thoroughly and we had a good chat too. He seems less lame and quite perky.

Even so, I hate seeing Haakon like this.  He is very good about everything I do and never complains.  I keep thinking I might have to retire him and I don’t want to.  A ridiculous thought, I know – he is still young and this lameness won’t last forever.  It just feels like it at the moment.


There was a small flurry of snow after all my ministrations.  I don’t know if The Minions have ever seen snow but they didn’t really notice or care.  It settled on their coats like dried coconut flakes.

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I put little piles of leftover silage and hay that needed finishing up before I opened up new bales.  This is Kappi, Silver and Storm all sharing very nicely.


So please can I have some more healing vibes for Haakon, if I haven’t used up my quota already.

12 thoughts on “Now A Little Snow

  1. Rebecca Final

    Poor little Haakon. We hate to see our pony-babies hurting. It sounds like you have him on a really good regime for healing. Sending positive thoughts on a speedy and complete recovery for Haakon.

  2. darby

    sending lots of healing thoughts to Haakon and to Storm as well, as you had mentioned that he was not thriving as well as the others. wishing them all well of course, and hoping Spring is right around the corner.

  3. Linda K

    Healing thoughts and love to Haakon. I’ve always think he looks quite stately and majestic, he’s a gorgeous boy.

  4. Sam

    You have not come even close to reaching a limit with us for healing vibes for your critters.
    So Connecticut, USA is sending vibes for all hooves to heal and stay healed while we all wait for Spring.

  5. Linda

    Healing light and love from Ithaca, New York! Much love to all ponies and humans at Yhordale (okay, feline, canine, rodent, the whole lot too!)


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