Nothing Much

The alarm went off this morning and it was still dark outside, getting darker each day.  I found Monster asleep on my feet and I didn’t want to get out of bed.

The morning started off optimistically, weather-wise.  As I write this, it has since disintegrated into a gale accompanied by heavy rain which I think will stop next year some time (I jest you not).

But everyone was helpful, which makes a nice change and the sheep were encouraged to go outside into the field. I was thinking it might be the last time in a while.  The horses and ponies are all living in sheltered well-stocked fields so I don’t worry about them.

There was a lovely sunrise.

But now it is blowing a hoolie outside, the front door is locked in case it blows in, and the sheep haven’t come home. I left the field gate open for them and will now spent my night worrying (I will go and check on them after supper and that’s the best I can do).

Pepper and Ted practiced their Christmas card poses.

But none of us are feeling very Christmassy until Daisy and Flossie get home ((19th and 21st).

(Apologies for boring blog – it was one of those days)

Edited: 7p.m.

Everyone is home – phew.

13 thoughts on “Nothing Much

  1. Jacqueline

    Boring? Not at all. Everyone has routines that must be adhered to that to them are often purely mundane but to others ( your readers) they’re interesting and delightful. Please keep going.

  2. Judith

    It’s not Christmas here until after my birthday, which is tomorrow. Then we can start to feel Christmassy. I enjoyed your photos.

  3. cheri

    Nope, not boring. The Ted photos are adorable. The starving sheep was adorable (so plaintive, so so huuuungry) 🙂 In short, a very enjoyable post.

    I’d really like to give those fingerless mitts a go, after Christmas. Could you email me the distance around your hand in inches (between the knuckles and the web for the thumb)? Is the green color important, or would another color be preferable? (I’ve made several pairs of mittens and fingerless gloves, and socks are my go-to thing, so this is in my wheelhouse.)

      1. cheri

        Whoa, a kit!!!!! so much easier than trying to derive the stitch count & pattern from a photo! Which I have done, sometimes easy enough, sometimes just not possible. Then I can make others with my own yarn. Thanks for the measurement, I can be sure it will fit, your hands are only slightly larger than mine. So anyway, I ordered a kit — so unless they can’t send it, I should have the pattern and the right color of yarn, perfectimundo.

  4. diane in northern wis

    Frances your posts are never ever boring! I enjoy them so much every day.
    so glad your sheeple all came home safely.


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