Shetland is not always beautiful. Shocking, I know, but there is the odd day when really I think it could make more of an effort.
Today would be a case in point – non-stop rain, and I mean proper rain, since last night. Instead of soaking into the already sodden ground, it is quickly falling off the hill instead.
Still the dogs have to be walked and so, bedecked in my survival suit as it says it is waterproof, I set out, nose down not looking back…..
… until I noticed I had my two little woolly friends running after me.
Bless them, no matter where I go, and as long as I don’t have a Minion with me, my sheepies follow.
BeAnne and Loki are used to this ridiculous situation now. They just do their own thing.
BeAnne is still considered Group Leader, though by the woollies.
They sometimes dawdle at the back but if you shout, they quickly come running.
I got home vaguely dry but feeling very worthy. Apparently it might stop raining one day – tomorrow would be nice. Time is drawing near and I want to go out riding with Flossie before she goes back up. She is getting on very well on horseback.
Well…I happen to love this kind of weather (I would be thinking of it as a “Wuthering Heights kind of day”)
However, I grew up in a sunny place, without seasons.
Anyway, I think it looks beautiful and atmospheric – and I think the lambs just might agree!
Since there hasn’t been more than 1/2 inch of rain total at my house since the end of June, I really enjoy looking at soggy GREEN! pictures. So thank you, even if you’ve had enough.
Connecticut also has not seen a decent rain in months. I do so love the LambDogs toddling behind you.
Love them running even more. Thanks!