New to Tölt

The omens were good.  The Frilly was looking perky!


So, after Jo had shod Iacs for Daisy (who is home for the summer on Friday, yay!), we set off for the beach for a good cob-web blasting.


Iacs was not sure about the waves (more like ripples) touching his feet and did his best not to get even slightly wet.  So much for galloping through the surf.


Sadly, we had to put up with just enjoying the scenery and tölting along the beach having the best time.


I have been working hard with Iacs these past few days and somehow, somewhere he has dug deep and found a secret trotty tölt that has been lying buried in the dark recesses of his pea-like brain for the last 19 years.

He is also much more forward-going now.

Poor Daisy – no more slobbing along at the back for her.


As we passed the boys (Hammy, Indy, Andy and Charlie), I said “oh dear, we seem to have black silage wrap in the fence.”


Jo assured me that the black silage wrap was actually my multi prize-winning Shetland stallion, Millhouse Independant.


So around the village we tölted admiring the view and enjoying the sun.

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The kids at the local primary school were having playtime and begged us to bring the horses up to stroke.  We stopped for a chat and they admired our noble steeds.


Once home, the boys were untacked and plonked in the stable while we had a cup of tea and then I took them back home.


Definitely more beach rides, methinks, once Daisy is back.  I’m still sitting here with a silly grin about Iacs’ tölt!

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