New Arrival

Welcome to the world ….

Efstur from Thordale
Chestnut colt foal with a star and four white socks (maybe, not sure now)
Born: 03:43 21.05.2016

Sire: Álfur frá Selfossi IS2002187662
Dam: Brá frá Reykjavík IS2001225271

It was an easy birth.  We (Brá, Hetja, Wussums, BeAnne and I) had been awake, watching and waiting all night.  In the evening, I had brought the girls up, but it was very obvious as the night went on that Brá was unsettled and wanted to be out in the big field.  I was reluctant to do this as I would not be able to see anything.

When it grew just light enough for me to be able to see them in the field from the van, I opened the gate and they immediately went as far away as they could!

I was doing well until I had a sudden dip at 03:00 and desperately wanted to sleep.  So I set my alarm for 20 minute intervals and put my head down next to BeAnne’s snoring self.  Wu sat on the dashboard.  Suddenly BeAnne lifted her head and so I woke up and looked out to see Brá rolling on the opposite side of the hill with that tell-tale white balloon coming out of her bottom.

I grabbed my camera and rushed out, with everyone, and I mean everyone, following me – that would be 6 sheep, BeAnne and Wussums.

When we reached Brá, her foal was emerging, no bag on the face so we all stood back and waited.

Ten minutes later, while Brá and foal were resting, the sheep came up to investigate this new arrival and Bra was fine with it.  Most odd but lovely, none the less.  I had decided by then that this was a filly foal.

Having watched the meet n’greet, I went back to the van to get my phone.  Bjorn wanted to know the minute the hooves were on the ground.  He came over immediately and confirmed that Brá had given birth to a colt.

Somehow I missed filming the stage when Brá’s colt stood up.  It was a long wobbly process and I managed to press the wrong button on the camera.

Having checked that everyone was fine, I finally went to bed elated that nature had taken care of everything sp efficiently and well.  There was no need for any intervention at all.  The best kind of foaling.

A few hours later…….

BN2A0019 BN2A0021 BN2A0028 BN2A0031 BN2A0037 BN2A0044  BN2A0058 BN2A0060BN2A0051

I think I am in love – it’s those ears.

17 thoughts on “New Arrival

  1. Janet

    Yea! Have been on tenterhooks waiting! It was almost as exciting as having one of my own!!! Thanks for renewing my memories. It was always my favourite time of year- Xmas,B’days all rolled into one! Congrats, a gorgeous colt!!!

  2. Robin

    Brava/o everyone! And how long ARE his legs? 16-17 hands?!!??! ADORABLE! And in #2, a bit of Lambie video bombing. Happy day all ’round!!!

  3. Carol

    Absolutely magical when the sheep came to welcome the little one into the world.
    May the world be forever kind to you Efstur.

  4. Linda

    This is SO exciting! (and thank you for sharing it; I almost feel like I’m there).
    Congratulations to everyone involved 😉 get some rest/sleep Frances – you’ve earned it!!

  5. Terri

    A new bebbie at Thordale, yay! Oregon sends congratulations! Thank you for capturing this magical moment in nature. The “welcome committee” was especially touching! So relieved it was a smooth birth — and Brá looks great! Now you can grab some zzzzzs….whew.

  6. Carol Wood

    He’s beautiful!!!!! Such long legs!!!!! I just loved the bit of the video when they (the sheep) all went to inspect the new arrival. I hope that you’re now resting and enjoying a long (long overdue) G & T 🙂

  7. Judith Garbutt

    Congratulations. So relieved and delighted for you – he’s gorgeous. Your photographs brought a lump to my throat! I’ll look forward to following his progress.

  8. Louise

    Omg I’ve waited for this all week!! He’s a cracker and Bra is clearly a fab mum. Congratulations, new foals (and puppies) are the best thing in the world xx

  9. Linda K

    At long last! Congratulations, he’s beautiful and his legs really are very long. Bra looks very much the capable Mum. Is this her first foal? I’m so glad it all went without a hitch.
    Tuck into your G&T and Quavers, and get a good night’s sleep. You deserve it.

  10. Susan

    Beautiful to watch a new arrival into the world. Welcome from Australia another much loved addition to Thordale

  11. Darby

    congratulations on the beautiful baby! your film was just enchanting, the curious but respectful goaties, the sound of the birds, the emerging light, and mom giving her baby boy his first kisses. love this!

  12. Vicki

    I’m relieved, I know you’re too but Bra looked the picture of relief once she stood up. Congratulations, he is beautiful!


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