My Life in Photos

The sunrise this morning.  It was very strange and a bit eerie.

Breakfast (porridge, thank you for asking) with the usual Monster.

Later, out with the dogs to check on the Ancients – I threw them carrots and tried to feel for ribs.  Nope. Fail.  No such thing as ribs here.

Then over the fields to find Gussie and Dahlia, who came running up, which is always gratifying.  I sat on a rock and chatted to Gus telling him his first fleece will be beautiful. Those little curls are divine. I could’ve stayed there all day just hugging him while he wagged his tail.

Dahlia chewed her cud in the sunshine.

Pepper plopped herself down too.  I have no idea what she was watching for.  Possibly postie.

Then into the container paddock to muck out….. with help from Tiddles.

He was having a quiet time with Storm in the container.

I was also “helped” by Albie all the way around the small paddock.   Every time I picked up poo, I had to kiss his nose.  I think it is the Law.

I gave the ponies their after-lunch haynet and left them munching.

And then into my shed to make a sheep.  It was not very warm, so I switched on the fire and felt absolutely no benefit from it. Not even slight hint of warmth.

Not a very exciting day because I don’t want any excitement in my life, ever.  Just routine.  I can cope with that.

3 thoughts on “My Life in Photos

  1. judy shank

    I thought I was the only one on the planet to say, ‘Nothing much happening here, just the same old, same old. No drama…but that is just what I want!’ This status quo existence reflects that it is peaceful that life is quietly mellow; and that there are no major areas that need immediate, urgent attention. It’s lovely to have the quiet days of life, just made for acknowledging that life is not its usual crisis filled craziness.

  2. Beth

    There is a lot to be said for routine, especially when it comes to caring for animals.

    I may have occasionally been heard to mutter “routine is regularly under-estimated”. Usually when I find myself swamped by an unwanted involvement in someone else’s problems . . .grrrr


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