My Latest Plan

I have been scratching my head about what to do for the Minions – Waffle, Albie, Storm and Tiddles, especially.

So, like I said yesterday, I have an Agricultural Contractor coming by to discuss the possibilities of turning one of the fields into a track system.

Today I was at the thinking it all out stage so I Googled my property, found the field, printed a version off and sat at the kitchen table sucking my pen end thinking.

This is the field:-

  • square = existing septic tank
  • squiggles = existing gates
  • ovals = rocky outcrops
  • dog leg at top = existing hard standing
  • black lines = perimeter fence
  • squiggly line = occasional stream (but does dry up in summer)

And then I walked it with the dogs as part of their walk.

And then I briefly read the relevant part of a superb book, which was very kindly lent to me (Horse Track Systems by Amy Dell).

This is what I am aiming for, sort of, possibly minus the trees and shelter.  This will be the Shetland version.

While I am sad to be losing all the grass on the actual track, hopefully there will be small fields inside the track system for Vitamin and Fivla.

The track will look like this.  Boulder rock.  This is the track to the side of my shed so I know it is possible.

And these are my workings out, almost using “quotes to support my argument”.  As you can see, I have been thinking hard.  My brain hurts but if I can build something permanent for the boys, then they will spend spring, summer and autumn there avoiding the grass and then they will go to Leradale hill for the winter.  Well, that’s the latest plan.

I am also getting them all tested for Equine Metabolic Syndrome which should give us some answers too.

And then I am selling a kidney.

9 thoughts on “My Latest Plan

  1. Michelle

    Wouldn’t it be far easier and cheaper to buy them muzzles? A friend of mine in Kentucky (the blue-grass state) HAS to muzzle her big horses or they get laminitis on her pastures.

  2. Judith

    Perhaps there may be some charitable organisations that might help. I’ve been having a look online. There is one called Horses 4 Health that gives small grants, for instance to provide for fencing for rescued equines:
    The Elsie Pilkington Charitable Trust gives grants to charities, amongst them the Scottish SPCA for rebuilding field shelters. There is also a charitable arm of PetPlan. Others too!

    Perhaps you could apply through the Scottish SPCA because they have charitable status and they can be your “sponsors”. Point them to this blog so that they can see the amazing work you have been doing for many years and hopefully they will want to come an visit. They’ll find it hard to resist all your minions.

  3. Judith Garbutt

    It’s an excellent idea, Frances. I hope you can manage it – it would make your life so much easier and with much less worry.

  4. Helen Stanton

    We love our track for the summer but just have a grass track which gets very heavily used so not much actual grass but lots of movement which also helps with the calorie control. You can do a lot with some electric posts and tape to work out what works for your land and where they like to hang out etc. making those bits wider for them before you put in more permanent fixtures

  5. Lucy MacArthur

    It never ceases to amaze me, how time consuming and brain challenging all this management is. I take my hat off to you! The only horse I owned was a poor doer and I realise now how much easier that was!

    The plan looks great Frances. Best of luck with it


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