My Christmas Tree

It’s a dreich day.  The horses and ponies are fine.   We left them to it.

I popped over to Sandness to check the others.

All good there.

Home again, to a mug of Parisian hot chocolate (it was delicious) for everyone.

I know it is early, but I am in a very Christmassy mood.  Last year was completely ruined for me by one of my spinal discs (L4-L5) prolapsing.  I spent most of the Christmas period in an analgesic fog.  Not nice.

So, as Floss is now home from University, the tree is up and it is beautiful.

As always, full of all my favourite Christmas ornaments – the tomte or nisse family, the angel, my silver Dala horse, the snow goose….They all mean a great deal to us all.

There is also a bit of a sheep theme.  Funny that.

This year, I bought three sheep and Daisy kindly “sheepified” them.

First, there is Lambie – accurately coloured in.

‘Bert in all his glory.

‘Ster, complete with precise markings.  I doubt there are any other Christmas trees in Shetland with a fleckit, moorit and katmoget sheep decorations.  But, then again, I could be wrong!

Then we started the difficult bit.  To make this year’s Christmas card.

I had to employ the help of the local elves.

Enjoy xx

(by the way, this is Wu’s happy face and no one was harmed in the making of this photo).

7 thoughts on “My Christmas Tree

  1. Nicki

    Look at Wu full of festive cheer………. I think. Lovely tree always good to add the personal touch, you have such a creative gene running thru your family.

  2. Margaret Robinson

    I love the Christmas tree, but the Christmas Greeting card with Cat had me laughing. Our two English Cockers were not impressed!

  3. Sam

    Love the LambDog ornaments. We have personalized tiny stockings for all the cats past and present.
    But the picture of Santa Wu has finally put me in the holiday mood. Well done!

  4. Linda

    Such a beautiful tree – and such a cozy photo of it. (I have to add that we also have tomtes and Dala horses on the tree – past gifts from my Swedish mother. It’s so nice to see the Scandinavian influence around there…) But nothing like those wonderful sheep ornaments!


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