My Birthday

Happy birthday to me today so I asked my OH to drive me over to see the Minions.

Everyone except for Lilja and Little Newt were around.  Those two were in the next door field that we had opened up for them last week.

Lilja sauntered over.

While Newt took a little bit longer.

Newt hurries for no one. Not even if it’s your birthday!

So I sat on the bank and was loved and appreciated by my little guys.

This is the best way to spend a birthday.  My kind of party.

24 thoughts on “My Birthday

  1. Mary C. McNamara

    What a wonderful way to spend your birthday. I bet the minions were asking where are OUR presents?
    Enjoy your day.

  2. Judith Garbutt

    Happy Birthday!! I hope the rest of your day was as happy as the time you spent with the littlies. xx

  3. Sky

    Happy Birthday! I have followed your daily blogs for several years now, they keep me going. I hope you have a wonderful day 🙂

  4. Robyn

    Lots of love as we celebrate YOU on your birthday Frances. You hold a special place in our hearts!
    From Robyn and David in Oz.xx

  5. diane in northern wis

    Aww Happy Birthday Frances! Glad you had a good day. Hopefully by this time next year, your back will be a lot better!

  6. Carol E

    Happy Birthday! That’s exactly what I’d choose for my birthday, too. Lovely Minions.

    Congratulations on ‘Ster’s fleece. Imagine, winning an award for a Shetland fleece in Shetland!! That’s quite impressive. I hope he’s strutting his stuff feeling proud.

    Many birthday hugs,


  7. Louise Stopford

    Many Happy Returns Frances. You certainly had a wonderful birthday. You look so happy in the last photo (who wouldn’t be surrounded by those gorgeous guys!!) You are doing a marvellous job looking after all your charges – they all look so good and so well cared for. Hope you had a gin and tonic later to celebrate some more.


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