Walls & District Annual Show 2018

Well here we are again at the Walls Show and for the first time I have entered two fleeces.  Unknown territory for me.

Obviously it was the first tent I wanted to visit.  Mine is the large pile of fleece in the box on the right.  We came second (ok, so it was out of two) and I am very proud.

When I called ‘Ster off the hill this afternoon, I told him he had a second prize winning fleece! He is very pleased too.  Extra celebratory ginger biscuits all round.

Sadly, ‘Bert’s fleece was unplaced.

Also, in the same tent, were the fruit and vegetable entries.

I just wandered round taking photos of everything.

This amazing entry took some effort.  Beautiful.

The Show Princess and her attendants were walking about outside.

This is the chariot for the procession later in the day.

Truly inspired.  It is not every quad bike that has, well I am not quite sure how to best describe it, but it was wonderful!

We had arrived just after the judging so the crowds had not quite arrived yet.  I bought a pile of jam.

These lovely Shetland tweed books caught my eye.


Plants for sale.

Even cars for sale.

The Pet Tent – there were also goats, bunny rabbits and chickens.

Everywhere there were sheep in pens.

Cows were up the hill.

The rams tethered in the field.

First prize for a cool dude.

Onto the Shetland pony ring.

Bergli Stud did very well.

They were the Overall Shetland Pony Champions.

Then there were the Vegetable Creations …… more tomorrow!

5 thoughts on “Walls & District Annual Show 2018

  1. Judith Garbutt

    It seems no time at all since the last Walls Show! You must have walked miles to get all those photographs. Does it run over the whole weekend or is it a one day event?

  2. Darby

    This brings back sweet memories of the local fair my daughter and I would attend when I would take her back to college at the end of the Summer. That was over 20 years go, were were just talking about it the other day, saying how much we enjoyed it.

  3. Margaret Robinson

    How truly wonderful – everything is included and I’ll assume you had great time! Congrats on the wool; however, I”m convinced that the judges must have realized that Bert’s wool was so high quality they couldn’t judge it properly!

  4. diane in northern wis

    Very fun show, Frances. Can’t wait to see the rest of your pics! How is your back doing with all that apparent walking???


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