Moving the Herd

I like geldings and stallions far more than mares and fillies.

There, I’ve said it.  The girls can be complicated and I don’t like surprises.

But perhaps I neglect them, in my blog and Advent Calendar (about to remedied, I hope – but no peaking).

After Delia’s food, I put a headcollar on her and we walk over two burns (streams) to the other side of the field where the grass is.

The others now refuse to follow so I bring back-up, in the form of Flossie, my youngest daughter who herds the ponies around on a slightly less boggy route.

Delia and I get so far on our route before she refuses to budge any further.

So while we wait for the others to catch up, I take some photos of the scenery.

Today is the shortest day and we don’t even have six hours daylight.

Once I know everyone is now a herd again, I take off Delia’s headcollar.

There are some nose kisseys.

The perks of the job.

So that is what we do, every day,

Otherwise, I couldn’t sleep at night.

9 thoughts on “Moving the Herd

  1. Sam

    I get liking boys over the girls. Boys are often very transparent in what mischief they mulling over.
    Your animals are very lucky to have you. They are watched over, fussed over when needed, reprimanded when needed and well loved. All animals should be so lucky as to have a person like you.

  2. Judith Garbutt

    You’d think they’d be grateful for the extra grass and stay there!! You’re very patient, Frances. They are lucky to have you.

  3. Carol E

    As always, your blog is a highlight of my day. Thank you.

    Look: I found a cheaper version of outdoor rugs, perfect for Newt and maybe the sheeples:

    Miss you all very much…I was wearing my special sheepy hat yesterday and was delighted to be able to point out Lambie, ‘Bert, and ‘Ster. I’m amused that people don’t really expect sheep to be differentiatable. In the new year I will plan out a new design with a whole hatfull of your animals. (I might need to confer on pictures of each). Hugs to you all!

  4. diane in northern wis

    Thanks for taking such good care of all your animals Frances. You certainly do a great job and it’s a fulltime job for sure. Glad you have your beautiful daughters to help you.

  5. louise stopford

    I don’t really have that much experience of mares as my pony (many moons ago now) was a gelding. He was, however, a very bad tempered boy (you just never know what they have been through in the past). He wouldn’t hesitate to bit or kick and so the other people at the stables were terrified of him. I eventually won his trust with love and patience and when I had to sell him it broke my heart. You obviously have a full time job on your hands looking after all your animals and with your commitment and knowledge and especially your love, you are doing a marvellous job and one that must be rewarded ten fold by the satisfaction of knowing your animals are healthy and happy … and what about all those nose kisses – Priceless!!

  6. Diane

    I totally agree with Sam that your animal are so fortunate they have you and the girls to take care and love them.
    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  7. Terri

    A little late to the party, but I agree with all the other commenters about your wonderful sense of commitment to your animals, and the love you show them. Kudos! And a Merry Christmas to all at Thordale! xo


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