Moving Day

Today, no matter what, was the day we moved the Minions to their Summer field.

The weather was exceedinly unhelpful.

We devised A Cunning Plan – first up would be Albie, Silver and Newt and yes, that is snow.

I had Newt – nuff said.

Silver’s excited face at the new field.

The new field all fresh and ready for the Minions.

And off they jolly well went.

Then we drove back to collect the next three.

Storm (another of my short straws), Waffle and Tiddles.

Delivered, dispatched and off they galloped to join the others.

Vitamin and Fivla were last.  We left them waiting at the gate when we departed with Waffle, et al.

And they were still there when we returned. Fivla whiffled with relief when she saw us.

Dodging the deluges we took the girls to rejoin everyone else.

I love how everyone is thrilled they are here too.

It was as if they had been parted forever.

So that’s that then.  The ponies can stay there for a while now and Leradale can grow again.

And through all the toing and froing we had lovely blue skies and sunshine, sleet, snow, hail and general filth thrown at us from the heavens.

But the ponies behaved impeccably – they were caught, led (even Newt), loaded and unloaded like little professionals.  It does save time and energy if no one is messing about.

(Each trip was 10 miles and the whole thing, to move 8 ponies, took 2 1/2 hours in total – D & F were brilliant xx)



4 thoughts on “Moving Day

  1. Linda Loba

    That short “film” with Newt running to catch up is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen!
    And Storm’s profile – what a handsome boy…

    Glad everything went so smoothly for all of you 🙂

  2. Judith Garbutt

    Such good ponies – but what awful weather for a mammoth task. I hope your now snuggled up inside with gin and chocolate!

  3. Margarret Robinson

    Boy, you all must be exhausted!

    The fur children seem to be settling and glad to be there, so now you can breathe again. Good job, everyone!


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