Minion Selfies

I try to keep up with modern trends.  Taking “selfies” and such. I am bang on-trend (*** shudders ***)

So I sat in the Minion field and reversed the camera on my phone for my Selfies.

Newt did his very best to help.  I love that little chap.  27″ of darling boy.

At one stage he just shoved his nose in my collar and stayed there.  There is something very special and wonderful about a warm Shetland pony nose.

We were content.

Tiddles also took his job very seriously.

Dear darling Tiddles. A very special boy. I told him.

He is the best kisser on the Westside – a well-known Shetland fact. I have always said this.

‘Scuse all my chins. I only share these photos because I know (or hope) you understand we are not all Kardashians.

I ❤️ my boys.

They bring my world immense joy.

Meanwhile, Flossie had her own problems or fan club, depending on your perspective.

Note that to fully partake of the Minion Experience you have to be covered in loose fur!

Life is good.  Very good.  Everyone else is missing out.


6 thoughts on “Minion Selfies

  1. Kerry

    I don’t normally pass comments on looks – particularly on social media – but I have to say you are ALL way more beautiful than the Kardashians (bless my dear Mum who assked who are these Pistachios everyone is on about?).
    And those chaps are superb kissers – even Himself says so. Shetland pony noses are a definite tonic


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