“Vitamin? Do you want your bucket?”
And straight in, like an arrow! No need to ask twice.
Tiddles fancied his chances (good luck then).
Vitamin was having none of that and it wasn’t even her bucket! But she told him anyway.
Tiddles managed to look slightly ashamed. Just slightly.
And so Storm took over. He thinks there is choccie cake hidden somewhere in the bucket.
Oh yes. It will be found (no, it won’t because there is none) and still Vitamin eats.
Fivla looked on. She is not averse to barging in, bullying Vitamin off her food and stealing the lot if I don’t keep guard. Today, she was better behaved.
They all know the rules – no stealing Vitamin’s food. Stay away but be around if I need to put sunscreen on noseys, no barging, no running away and no being mean.
However, whether the Minions do any of these things, is a different matter!