A Day of Worry

Gosh, where to start…..

Worry #1
Yesterday I knew ‘Bert was lame but it wasn’t until late afternoon I found out just how bad it was.  I found him in sitting by the gate refusing to move. After much cajoling he stood up and on three legs he hopped/walked to the stable with me. It was ‘Bert’s back leg. He wouldn’t even weight-bear and I was worried.  Was it broken?  According to ‘Bert it might be.

I trimmed his hoof, gave him an antibiotic injection and a painkiller and left him in the shed with ‘Ster for company, lots of food (which ‘Ster happily scoffed) praying he would still be alive in the morning.

This morning ‘Bert left the stable on four legs and was much better.  I had worried all night.

Next up…

Worry #2
This morning Haakon was eating his brekkie, suddenly stopped, did the “flehmen response” a few times, pawed the ground, looked tucked up, did a big poo, ate a bit and then went off to lie down.  So, worrying, I went off to check the Minions (an hour’s round trip) hoping he would be standing up eating by the time I returned.

Worry #3
On my drive past “my” oystercatcher, I saw she had gone from her nest!

I looked at the empty nest and could see a few fragments of shell but that could mean the crows had been.

So I looked around for Mr and Mrs Shalder and could see them nearby.  And then I found the three babies!  Phew.  So happy.  I quickly left.

(the third one is in the long grass).

Home and back to Worry #2
Haakon was still lying down… now flat!  So I got a headcollar, some carrots and tested him out on his primary function – eating. Yes, he liked food.  He got up and I led him up the hill to the long grass around the house.  His walking was not good, and his back legs looked odd but as he walked, he seemed to straighten out and look happier.  Into the stable for some painkillers and he, Iacs and Klaengur are currently around the house with access to the stable.  He looks much happier.  I am still worried, though.  Maybe it’s just a blip.

6 thoughts on “A Day of Worry

  1. Robin E Schwartz

    Hope Haakon recovers quickly Your description sounds like and and my arthritis when I’ve been sitting too long so I sympathize.

  2. Celeste

    Oh no, so much to deal with. I sure hope Haakon and ‘Bert continue to improve and all is well. It’s so hard when our furry family is hurting and they can’t tell you what it is. My Great Pyrenees Milo had knee surgery 3 1/2 wks ago and we were having regular prescribed slow walks, until this heat wave hit last week. It’s 103’ Fahrenheit and my body doesn’t do heat well, so we’re both laying around. He is healing but it’s a long, 8 week recovery process with lots of extra care. My thoughts are with all of you.

  3. Judith Garbutt

    What a worrying day for you, Frances. I hope Haakon and Bert are better or at least much improved by the morning. xx

  4. diane in northern wis

    You are such a blessing for your animals. You always notice things right away and do everything in your power to remedy the situation. Praying Haakon and Bert will both be much better soon. So glad you found those three baby birds too!

  5. Suzanne Kelly

    I know you worry, but they are very lucky you are on top of things. Glad oystercatchers hatched. Hope today is worry free.


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