Little Lambies Everywhere

Lambing is in full swing now.  Everywhere there are little lambs and they are all divine.

Now that the Minions are in their summer field, I drive over daily to check everyone is ok.  The field is a bit further away but at least I don’t have to lug water anymore, so that’s a plus.  Every cloud and all that.

Anyway, the drive is beautiful.  This is the longer route, but via the shop (for necessities *** cough *** wine)

Hardly a chore, though.

Everywhere there are little lambs with their Mums.

They lie in the sunshine while their mothers eat as much as possible.

The car makes an ideal “hide” and I drive slowly with the windows down, stopping everytime I see a very pretty little lamb.  I let other cars go past too.  It is a slow pastime and my secret treat.

It does worry me that the sheep are on the road but that is the way and we just have to be very careful.

I have this terrible urge to kidnap.

I have been told that I can’t (I can however make the special Lambie Mum bleat that makes all babies want to follow me home).

The lambies answer me!

To date, I have not done this.

As Lambie would take a very dim view if I brought someone home more cuter tham him (and I think my family might have something to say about it too as well as the crofter whose sheep they are!)

But they’re so darn cute!


5 thoughts on “Little Lambies Everywhere

  1. Kerry

    They are cute, and Himself and I are delighted someone else has this hobby, having spent years on Dartmoor doing the very same thing. We can gather quite a flock.
    Well, when we get up to Shetland, I can forsee a Bleaters Club will just have to be set up.
    And ahem (cough) Himself stopped at our local so reading this over a glass of very nice Rose Cheers and here’s to Sprimg having well and truly sprung

  2. Margaret Robinson

    Remember that they may be cute only because they belong to someone else and live elsewhere! They are adorable.

  3. darby callahan

    they certainly are adorable. I myself am often tempted to stop and look at the new calves who have just been born in a field I often pass by. My family thinks I am silly but I don’t care!

  4. Sherry Walter

    My neighbor down the road raises Icelandic sheep and in the spring when my spirits need a lift I go to see her lambs pogo sticking around. Works every time!

  5. Sam

    Nothing like a lamb springing all over the place. Congrats on the restraint of not “borrowing” a lamb or two or 10.


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