Lists, packing, thinking and camera

Floss and I are off south on Monday evening’s boat and so I am busy washing (car, clothes, anything that moves, etc) and making massive lists, which I then instantly lose.

The garden is just beginning to come into flower – of course it jolly well is, just as I won’t see it!

Meanwhile, I am trying to get to grips with my new camera – it still remains a bit of an enigma to be honest. Maybe while I’m on the boat, I can spend 14 hours learning.

Monster is “helping”.  Always beautiful, mostly around especially at mealtimes.

And random sheeple.

Still the weather today is perfect for drying and I have realised that my summer clothes haven’t seen the light of day for 2 years!  I don’t bother being clean and tidy here. There’s no point.  Not with Minions around.  I don’t stand a chance.

So, practicing with this camera will hopefully make perfect.

Poor Daisy is kindly going to look after everyone.  I will have to bring her back something nice from down south to say thank you.


And next…. the ironing!  Now where did I put the iron (must dust it off first)?

5 thoughts on “Lists, packing, thinking and camera

  1. Sam

    Sometimes I think just packing for a vacation, needs it’s own vacation! All the lists, all the chores, all the making sure the four legged family members will be cared for…but then these photos are a vacation for me!

  2. Elva

    I have never ironed in my life!! Just smooth out any wrinkles.
    Monster does indeed look beautiful. I have been worried about him being lonely. Maybe he needs a kitten.
    I hope you have a safe and very enjoyable trip!!

    1. Frances Post author

      He is very lonely. His life has no purpose and few companions. OH is considered ok but he needs a friend. He loathes cats.

  3. diane in northern wis

    Have a great trip, you two. I love your pics today….the horses are gorgeous as always and those flowers in the first pic are amazing! What colors!


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