It’s Jolly Cold

Every year I wait and wait for the first signs of spring and this is the photo I love the most – the primroses are starting to flower on the banks of the burn (stream).  Soon, the bank will be completely covered and I will have my wall of wild primroses.

But it is still jolly cold and I stupidly took off Fivla and Vitamin’s rugs this morning – and of course it rained sporadically all morning and there were some vicious little showers.

I felt very bad for Fivla, who spent her morning in her shelter spot refusing to budge, all bare-nekkid without her rug so after lunch, I grabbed a dry one with slight fill and popped it on her.  Instantly her eyes lit up and she was off grazing.  I must remember that ponies with Equine Metabolic Syndrome feel the cold more and Fivla is no exception.

Meanwhile, while putting the sheep out into their field, I found Pepperpot swinging off Maggie’s head in what she told me was a game, apparently.  I am not talking to Pepper despite all her efforts to win me round.

Uncool, Pepper, uncool.  We don’t swing off sheep, not ever, even if they weren’t being that nice first.

Tomorrow there will be no blog as I am off at the crack of sparrows to Aberdeen (weather, plane and God-willing) for an MRI scan on my spine.  OH will kindly dish out all the morning buckets and I have left him strict instructions on who gets what and where.

I have even done a Day 2 version too in case I get stuck. Snow is forecast in Aberdeen so I cannot tell you how much I am not looking forward to this trip.


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