In Search of the Yellow Bucket

This was going to be yesterday’s blog but the powercut put paid to that.

Yesterday was slighly calmer, weather-wise, so I decided to incorporate the daily dogwalk with a search for my missing-in-action yellow bucket.

Of course, I had helpers.

It was all Storm really.

And his friend Albie.  They insisted on coming too.

We had a lot of field to search.

But off we walked, always looking, ever hopeful.  I hate losing things.

Ted was not that thrilled with the accompanying ponies on his walk but, to be fair, they didn’t try anything horrid and everyone kept to themselves so he relaxed a bit.

Onwards, ever onwards we climbed.

Then the silliness started.

I knew what was going to happen next.

It was wonderful to watch.  Note how the old ladies stay in the same place while the Minions ran up and down the hill, giggling.  And there is also a small wee brown dog in amongst the herd, galloping alongside too.

Meanwhile, I kept looking for my bucket with absolutely no luck and eventually gave up.

That was until I found it today!  In the Ancients’ field by the burn.  Phew!  I told you I hate losing things.




5 thoughts on “In Search of the Yellow Bucket

  1. Sam

    I never knew the Minions could race like that. Love the last one (pepper) bounding after them. Good news on the bucket.

  2. Edith Thom

    How lovely seeing them racing. They must be feeling healthy to be able to run up that hill at such speed!! Very amusing as well 🙂


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