In My Shed

This afternoon, having done all horse/pony/sheeple chores (feeding buckets, hay nets put up, checking, counting legs, feeding carrots, second breakfasts….), I took BeAnne to my shed for some peace and quiet.

Monster said he was already comfortable and wasn’t joining us.

Lambie was flouncing around outside so I invited him in too.

BeAnne took up her spot (my old Icelandic lopapeysa (gansey) on her comfy-wumfy bed)

Lambie was in a bit of a mood – I have no idea why but he spent most of his afternoon staring resentfully into the middle distance chewing his cud.

After a while, he sat down while I stabbed away.

(There was a faint, actually I lie, a strong smell of pee – it’s that time of year. Lambie has a thick fleece and he can’t help it.  He is not peeing in my shed just carrying the smell about with him. As his Muzzah, I forgive him totally).

Meanwhile I optimistically put on the aromatherapy essential oil diffuser and made my sheeple.

I used Blue-Faced Leicester for the fleece – smaller curls which are rather lovely and obviously Shetland wool for the rest. I liked him.

He happily joined the others. I wonder what they talk about when I’m not there?


4 thoughts on “In My Shed

  1. Lucy MacArthur

    Oh bless them, all 3 Frances! Monster looks as cats do when they have got the cream = any advantage to themselves, be it super comfy bed, actual cream, fuss when they want it, terrorising other animals, best food, muzzah’s lap, etc, etc, etc ……!

    Be-anne looks comfortable and serenely sleepy! Good to see.

    Lambie, well just Lambie I guess!? Could be having an off-day but could be jealous of the wee ones who don’t smell of pee (unless said Lambie is blissfully unaware – highly likely)? Just a thought …..

    As for your very wee ones (gorgeous by the way), I reckon the main topic of conversation is about the reasons you even bother with all the other creatures when they (the very wee ones) are so quiet, well behaved, non-smelly and require much less maintenance!

  2. diane in northern wis

    Love your little sheep …. they’re just lovely! Oh heck, I love your big sheep too…and all the rest of the critters around your place. Hope BeAnne continues to do well and the monster too.
    Take care….all of you.


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