If you want a thing done well…..

As Napoleon Bonaparte once said (and I did not know this) ….”If you want a thing done well, do it yourself”.

As everyone is busy shearing sheep or building windmills in Shetland, today Floss and I built part of the track-system for the Minions.  Although not ideal, it gives me an idea of what I want permanently.

It was hard work but I had my plans and showed them to Flossie first.

We shifted hurdles for the first bit which will give us some lee-way for moving sheep and ponies through gates without frying.

The Minions’ field was getting beyond disgusting.  They needed a change.

Once the first part of the track was built, we moved them all in…..

Newt followed eventually.

Then we added the old ladies, stepped back and looked at the situation.  Too much grass.

So we swapped Waffle for Vitamin and shut the little ones in the small paddock to eat down.

This will work. The Minions can eat the grass there as well as spending their nights in it – 12 hours on and 12 hours off.

The small paddock is not as great as it looks as it is mostly pineapple weed and docks with a small smattering of grass.

The old ladies were happy to be on the track doing what they do best….. eat!

And the Minions will have this new set-up for the rest of summer.

While Floss is home (6 more days), we can both move everything around so that this all works smoothly and with minimum lugging and effort.  Well, that’s my theory, anyway.

3 thoughts on “If you want a thing done well…..

  1. diane in northern wis

    Wow…..what a big job for you two. Looks like it’s going well so far! Good for you two!


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