I want to ride my horse

I woke up this morning and my first thought was that I wanted to ride my horse today.


This thought gnawed away at my heart all morning, no matter how I tried to ignore it, and I was putting horseshoes away in the shed, when I looked up to see they had all heard my heart screaming and arrived, ready to be chosen.


I took Haakon into the school and brushed him for a while. He was covered in bird poop (they sit on his back while he grazes, like a giant hippo).

I am not very good at this grooming thing. In fact it bores me and I was “this” far from tacking him up and going out for a ride hoping no one would notice but I have to respect my surgeon’s wishes (January at the earliest).  So I bunged BeAnne on instead.


OH was around so I suggested he came too and we went en famille for a walk down the road with Loki.  I haven’t taken Loki on this route for ages and wanted OH to be around just in case. Muchos bribery in the form of biscuits and everyone was listening.

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Loki practiced his close lead work on the road.

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The local tarts called to Haakon. They could see he was a potential Handsome Prince.


In turn, he was intrigued by the ladies.  As a serving stallion in his youth, Haakon thought they were both a bit nice and kept stopping to gaze.


For the dogs, more walking to heel without a lead.  Very successful.  Well done chaps.


More bird-watching


and we grudgingly went home.


As a reward for his good behaviour, we gave Loki his first bone.


Bless him, he had no idea what to do with it but soon learned from the experts.


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