I am a crap photographer. It is official.
Today I went out, before the Storm gets here tomorrow, to take some photos of the bebbies (Carina, Lyra, Gwendolinda and Zoot) for the new website I am constructing for Thordale Shetland Stud This website is nearly killing me but, with much help and/or gin from a kind person, I will succeed.
The photos of these four fillies that I have gathered recently are rubbish so I thought I would go up to their field, take some more and use them. How difficult can that be?
Apparently impossible.
Here is Lyra – looking err, well, errr…
Yup, that! Fail.
Ok, Carina. I can do this. She looks lovely. Really turning out to be a good filly.
Ok, not brilliant, her front legs stick out as she stands down hill.
And now she looks like there is a rollercoaster ride on her back. Is that known as “bum high”?
This was the best shot I could manage by flapping my coat at her! Bloody Zoot in the background.
Talking of Bloody Zoot. She followed me everywhere. I never got a good photo of her because her little mouth was busy eating my coat.
I shouted at her in the end and she took it as an affront with some added umbrage.
FFS, now she is foreshortened and looks pathetic and miserable. It was because I shouted and hurt her feelings. Hell awaits.
Ok, last gasp. Gwendolinda. Now you know where you are with Gwendolinda. She is looking very good in real life. Sadly, this does not happen on photograph.
So I left them eating and told them that I was giving up.
And then I turned round and took a nice one of Lyra-Lyra Pants on Fyra.
While Vitamin, her mother looked on.
I left in a sulk. I may resort to just photos of heads for the filly section until I can do better.
Oh, go on, they’re all gorgeous! 😀
I laughed and laughed at the girls being apparently deliberately un-photogenic for you! I think they’re just winding you up on purpose- I bet they all stood in a corner and sniggered after you left!