Hot Sheeples

Apparently it is hot in Shetland – well it is revolting here in Englandshire.  I had to go to Tesco on an emergency duck-bread shop and considered lying in a freezer to get cool.

I am not sure just how hot it is at home in Shetland as (my favourite weather forecasting service) says it is 12 degrees but the photos Daisy sent look a bit more than that.

The sky is blue and the grass has grown, which always cheers me up.  BeAnne and Daisy have been ragworting in Clothie.  The summer chore but it also counts as a dogwalk as the dogs love playing in the 5 acre field, chasing rabbits and generally having fun.

Flossie is very good at doing her share too.

Everyone is looking so well – some a bit too well.

Life seems to go on without me perfectly well.

And when I get home, we have torture to look forward to.

3 thoughts on “Hot Sheeples

  1. Louise Stopford

    It looks lovely on Shetland just now – blue skys and sunshine. The temperature looks just right, not too hot like it can get here. All the animals look very well and seem to be enjoying the nice climate. Don’t envy your task though when you get home – poor sheep.


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