Here’s The Deal

Rebuilding a Safer Nepal is a very special project to me.  Run by my dear friend, Jackie Taylor, who has lived in Nepal for many years, I want to do my best to fundraise.  When we went, a few years back, we were made welcome and had the best time.  I will never forget.

So I have decided to offer up for grabs, what I consider to be, one of my best photos in all its full glory, without a watermark to everyone who donates any amount of money to Rebuilding a Safer Nepal. Any amount will help, small, big, middle-sized, just please help.  It will make a difference.  Once you have donated, feel free to download the photo.

For the blog, my photos are usually watermarked and in a much smaller version but you are getting the original in all its full glory.

(if you would prefer an original of some other photos I have taken, please email me at and I will send it to you).  

Click here to download the photo.

and a huge Thank You x

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Meanwhile, we have had some lovely days playing with Bergli Stud’s foals.  They are enchanting and we are all very smitten.  Here are a few of my better photos.

BN2A0774BN2A0726   BN2A0794 BN2A0795  BN2A0809 BN2A0819 BN2A0828

I don’t think I can love foals enough.  They are so cuddly and very comical.


Also, Lambie is doing very well.  He is almost twice the size than he was and he has started to run about resembling a baked bean fired out of a baked-bean-sized canon!  He remains a sweetheart, still lying in my arms in the evening while we watch telly.

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I wonder whether he will stop this when he is a full-grown sheep?  He will, of course, be known as Lambie!


5 thoughts on “Here’s The Deal

  1. Joanie

    The little black foal is beautiful! And Lambie?? What can I say…my heart melts.
    Thank you for the offer of the picture!

  2. Wendy from NY

    Adorableness personified! Squeeeeeeee! Those yellow flowers look like our marsh marigolds, but are as numerous as our dandelions! Beautiful pictures!

  3. Linda

    Who’s got the best mommy around? LAMBIE!! (I bet he snuggles with you around the telly for the rest of his life – if OH will let him in the house…

    The photos of the foals are beyond adorable, sigh.

  4. pat

    Guess I just don’ have a photographer’s eye…while the foal photo is lovely, to my untrained eye, it’s not any better than “almost” all of your other photos. Granted, in all the time I’ve been following this blog, there have been one or two ever so slightly out of focus or not centered, but 99.9% of them look as good as the one you’re offering.

    What is it, to you, that makes this photo so special?

    And BTW, we have sent funds to Nepal through an organisation not listed in your post. But I love the idea of sending sanitary napkins and underpants, but wonder if someone will be there to teach them how to use them. If the women there are used to using cloth pads, might they not try to wash the Kotex, unless there is someone there to explain that they’re disposable, and how that should be done? And also, can we provide warm water and soap to wash out the panties? Please let me know, as I’d be more than happy to help that group.


    1. Frances Post author

      I appreciate your concerns with regards to the Nepal situation and have asked Jackie Taylor to reply to this message via email. I hope that is ok.

      As for photos, I just loved the light and the whiskers and the closed eye of sheer contentment x


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