“Every breath you take
And every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
Ill be watching you”
That would be Zoot’ theme tune if she had one. She “helps” with everything. She is always there.
Poor Melinda spends her life running after her bebbie trying to collect her up and take her away to safety.
Sadly, Errant Daughter doesn’t give a damn however and spends most of her life trying to lose her mother or help others.
Today was no exception. We wanted to tidy up Melinda’s feet. They were long and we don’t like trimming heavily pregnant mares as it is difficult for them to stand on 3 legs. Now Melinda has had her foal and she is relatively relaxed about things, we went into the field to trim her feet. We needed “help”.
So we sacrificed Daisy as per usual to babysitting. She is good at this and highly trained. Many years of being eaten by foals has created a “foal whisperer”. At least if she fails university, never gets a job, we can employ her once a year to snog the bebbies.
Zoot showed her obviously inherited speshul skills – so like her father it is uncanny.
We then had a go at doing her feet. Daisy did the initial training.
Zoot acquiesced without a second thought.
I think Madame is a very smart little girl.
She has Indy’s yummy bum and stands beautifully. A solid little person too.
Her trot is very eye-catching and she is just like her brothers in character – ie first up to introduce herself. Always “here to help”.
The orchids are good this year too!
She’s a sweetie, and a very curious one too—sign of great intelligence? Or just a busybody?
Quite a little character, your Zoot. I am looking forward to many updates on her progress.
What a lovely post Frances thank you for sharing and have a great weekend