A certain little Miss Fluffball (FB) has gone feral!
Who me?
So Floss and I have been working (weather permtting – and I say that because there is absolutely no point in trying to talk to Little Miss FB when there is a Force 10 blowing plus horizontal rain – she goes all suspicious and silly).
Today was lovely and calm so I brought Mr Headcollar out to play.
And I quickly gave Floss that particular short straw!
While I kept Lilja entertained, Floss worked her charms.
She is good.
I was very impressed.
They obviously have a rapport.
And Flossie obviously has a pocketful of carrots.
So that was a huge success.
Good things come to good little fluffballs.
I am quietly hoping we have overcome the headcollar hurdle….. again.
And we will repeat this process for the rest of her life now.
Perhaps FB wants a pretty headcollar?
she can save up her pocketmoney then!