Haynet Blogger of the Year!

I won.  Yay.  I won.


Haynet Blogger of the year, 2nd time running.  Haynet is the UK’s No1 Equine Social Blogging Network.


A huge thank you for all your votes.  Appreciated.  I get a hoodie and goodies!  Can’t wait.

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To celebrate, Flossie and I went to see the girls.  Everyone was doing very well in their newish field.  There was still loads of grass and shelter.  We were dutifully plagued by Zoot who just wanted her bottom scratched.  She would reverse into any victim in a hopeful way.


Flossie seemed to be the Zoot magnet but managed a quick cuddle from her Fivla.


Fivla was Flossie’s pony when she was 5 years old.  They grew up together and are the same age.  I always like seeing them together.  They have a good rapport and understanding.


But Zoot wormed her way back in and wanted more bum scratches.


She is persistent – I will give her that.


The others were far away eating and happily ignoring us.


Then Lyra, Carina and Gwendolinda looked up, saw Zoot getting all the attention and ran over.  Poor Floss was mugged by everyone.


They all wanted to be adored and Flossie was given the job, whether she had applied or not.

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Meanwhile, I wandered about checking the rest of the herd.  Everyone was looking healthy and happy.  I don’t worry about them in the Shetland storms that are forecast (Yellow alert Saturday/Sunday).   They have shelter, food, company and a big field.  Everything a Shetland pony needs.


9 thoughts on “Haynet Blogger of the Year!

  1. Cate

    Congratulations on the much-deserved win—I didn’t know it was times 2—well done you! It’s a magical mix you’ve got going here, always warms the heart. Thank you. 😀

  2. Celeste

    Congratulations on winning! I just love your blog, no matter what you write about or photograph. I never miss a day.

  3. meg

    Congrats, and it could not have happened to a better choice! And thanks for sharing your days and pictures with us, the fluffy-butt-less-ed-ed-ed… well you know what i mean 🙂


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