Happy 2nd Gotcha Day to Pepper

This time, two years ago, Daisy and I brought Pepper and her sister home on the boat.  Pepper’s sister was quickly dispatched to her new owner and the two puppies went their separate ways.

This photo is Pepper’s first – when we met her in Aberdeen.  Notice the iron-hand grip.  Already Pepper had ideas.

And she still has her teddy, though it might be slightly altered with love and Ted’s obsession to destroy all squeakers.

Pepper was ever the lady.

And possibly still is.

And then there is the obsession for the ducks which, now I see, started at a very young age.

Until Ted appeared, Monster was in charge of Pepper. He taught her all he knows.

So happy gotcha day to my little shadow.  Always there, always by my feet, especially if I turn the fire on.  Pepper has changed my life, for the better.

4 thoughts on “Happy 2nd Gotcha Day to Pepper

  1. Kris

    This post makes me nostalgic since my last dog was named “Pepper” and the previous was “Shadow”.

    My Pepper had a similar personality to yours and Shadow followed me everywhere after I took her in from living wild in the woods.

    Happy Gotcha Day Pepper!


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