Folk are asking about Hammy’s nozzle (thank you for your interest).
Well, he is much better and it is healing up very nicely.
Beautifully clean and dry (I am sure this cold weather has helped)
And it won’t be long before he is back to normal. Well, when I say normal, I mean Hammy normal which is completely different from any other normal you or I might recognise.
(Hammy is a bit speshul like that!)
On another note. This the yesterday’s stallion fashion.
Yes, I did feel sick because if there is one thing I hate, and my kids will tell you, it is liars, wet cotton wool, trotting downhill and sand.
But today was better. An overnight gale and torrential rain have done a lovely job for me.
The equivalent of a Shetland power-wash. He scrubbed up very well!
How many people leave their horses out overnight to clean them?