Graduating from St Snotwarts

Daisy graduated on Wednesday, 24th June with a BSc Hons in Biology.  Four years of hard work and we are all very proud of her.


The Graduation Ceremony was full of tradition.  The graduates are allegedly tapped over the head with a piece of very old cloth by the Vice Chancellor, thought to be from the breeks of John Knox but since proved otherwise (now the cap bought for the graduation of Sir John Arbuthnot in 1696. He went on to become private physician to Queen Anne).


Despite not being John Knox’s breeks, it was still a wonderful ceremony and I was full of pride.


I also sat next to a very nice assistant and we quickly made friends (yes, I did ask first).


Afterwards we all met up on the quad of St Salvator’s for photos, etc.  It took a while for us to find Daisy amongst all the other graduates and their families.


We found a suitable background for the “official photo” (one for the local newspaper).


We were with Daisy’s housemate and her mother and we had previously arranged our own celebration at home away from all the riff-raff. So we went back to “Sallies” (St Salvator’s) to return the gowns, but not before I asked for the girls to indulge me.

I was going for the academic bat look!  It was all a bit Harry Potter really!


And to think, when Daisy stayed at Sallies in her first year, she had Kate Middleton’s famous room – A34 (yes, go and look that up on Wikipedia, tis all true).


A good day full of success and a huge amount of relief for all that hard work over the last four years.  If you think university life is just party, party, party, then think again because it isn’t if you want to actually achieve something.

Daisy achieved and I am probably the proudest parent on this earth.

***** sniff *****



7 thoughts on “Graduating from St Snotwarts

  1. jan

    What a brilliant achievement, and the photos are great. Daisy will need a rest now from studying, I am sure that Lyra will be glad she is back.

  2. Jean Ward

    Many congratulations to Daisy – Kilgraston and St Andrews should get her most places. What now?
    Enjoy your proud moments Frances.

  3. Cate

    Congratulations to Daisy—what a wonderful achievement, onwards and upwards you go! And thanks, Frances, for sharing the moment, and the pics. When we lived in Monifieth, I used to love going over to St Andrews during graduation in particular, just to soak up the proud-as-punch atmosphere and eavesdrop on all the beaming mums and dads—with all their various posh and American accents! 😉

  4. Terri

    Nothing like the pride we feel in our children’s accomplishments. Daisy is a bright (not to mention beautiful…but that’s not really important) young woman. Congrats, and onward!


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