Gentle Introductions

The little new family were out and about around the house today.

Edna was unsure to start with but once she got her Little One walking along with her, all was fine and they had breakfast.

I let Madge join them and she wasn’t that nice to either her new sister or her mother, butting them both.  Contact will have to supervised, I think, for a while.

Edna took Little One off to explore.  I will admit I am more than slightly worried about the size of Edna’s udder but it has been like this for a while and seems to be working fine so hopefully supply and demand will regulate it.

The Boyzens were in an adjacent field and fascinated.

So of course, they both had to go to the higest place they could find.  My poor nerves.

And Madge watched.

Little One is a darling little sheeple.

She is already imitating Edna, which I find fascinating to watch.  Edna has a deep growly baa for her baby and she is communicating with her all the time.

Seeing them together makes me realise just how much Lambie, ‘Bert and ‘Ster missed out by not having a proper mother.

When I think about Lambie and his refusal to eat much, stand up, walk, or think even, I am amazed he is still here, to be perfectly honest.

I left them together en famille for the morning but then Madge wanted to join the boys so she went back into the field. It started to rain and Edna took Little One to keep warm in their shed.

She is a very good mother. One hint of a little high-pitched bleat and she runs back to her.

And our hearts have been captured.

How could we resist?

9 thoughts on “Gentle Introductions

  1. Margaret Robinson

    This is profoundly beautiful time! Edna is the perfect Mum and this is a most adorable child! All the others seem to be taking LO in stride and she’s just adorable.

    1. Kate Woolley

      Edna is so lucky to have you. You can see it in her face that she is so gratful that her family is safe. What a pretty little baby. A real Star ! You are a wonderful person……

  2. Kate Woolley.

    Sorry it’s me again. Please check, she may have mastitis. Maybe wrong, but husband grew up on Farm and said it her udder looks a bit suspect. Hope he’s wrong.

  3. Kate Woolley.

    . Please check, she may have mastitis. Maybe wrong, but husband grew up on Farm and said her udder looks a bit suspect. Hope he’s wrong.

  4. Gail

    Little One is SO sweet and Edna is such a lovely momma. She and her babe, and jealous Madge, are so fortunate to have you.

  5. Linda Kirk

    Thanks for these lovely photos. Her little tail is adorable. What a good Mum Edna is but poor Madge, probably feeling a bit abandoned.


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