For Daisy

This is for Daisy who asked me to show her photos of her horses as she is missing them hugely.

So here you are – your horses.  Enjoy.

And then lastly there is Bumble, Bumblebee, Bubble, Bobble, Bin Least, Bin Key or Is She, Is So – according to auto-correct on my phone when I type in Bimble or Iacs.  He is now officially known as Bobble!

Poor Daisy has Covid too.

If she were here, she would be living with Lambie in his spare shed (the one with wifi).  We are here for her.  She knows this.  Will send chocolate!

Hugs, sweetie and love from us all. xxx ❤️


7 thoughts on “For Daisy

  1. Judith Garbutt

    I’m sure the photographs will be much appreciated. I hope Daisy has one of the milder variations of covid and makes a full and speedy recovery. Best wishes, Daisy. xx

  2. diane in northern wis

    So sorry to hear Daisy is sick. Where is she? Praying she’ll be feeling much better soon.
    Hope all the sweet pictures help her get well. Send her chocolate!!!

  3. Shelley

    Awww – Daisy! So frustrating after staying well for two years!! Get well soon Daisy. And Frances, that last pic of Lambie is frame worthy!


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