Floss is Home

Floss (my youngest daughter) came home from University for the Christmas holidays yesterday evening, which is lovely.

A good night sleep and we set her to work the next morning.

While Daisy rode Efstur out, Floss walked alongside with Iacs.  I trailed along at the back grinning from ear to ear at my little family all together.

Efstur was a good boy and walked, trotted and halted, all beautifully.

We even met a car which was his first ever and, again, he was hoof perfect. A dear boy. Daisy is very proud of him and rightly so.

We walked a few miles with the usual carrot rewards dished out at regular intervals.

After lunch, Floss and I went to check on the Minions.

They were all very pleased to see Flossie or possibly was it her bag of carrots?  Hard to tell.

So that’s us now. Another hurdle over and soon we will start getting the Christmas decorations up, despite some bah-humbug grumbles from the back that Christmas begins on Christmas Eve and not a day before. Yer, right. Get the deccies up fast, we say!

Now, to start thinking about the Thordale Christmas card…

I wonder if Newt still fits his antlers?

One thought on “Floss is Home

  1. diane in northern wis

    How nice to have your Floss home too, now. Great pics today and fun to hear about all the planning for Christmas coming up. Do enjoy this holiday season. It goes by so fast.


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