First Orchid

I had the most stonking migraine last night/this morning so I am just getting over that. Today I have spent the day wandering around feeling like I was kicked in the head.

This afternoon, to clear my head, I took BeAnne for a stroll around the fields.

The wild primroses are just about finishing now.  They’ve done very well this Spring.

I think it is because the sheep can’t get them – the bank is too steep.

And now it is the turn of the marsh marigolds to take over.

And I saw my first orchid in the field. That cheered me up and I instantly felt better.

Here is your daily gratuitous Wee-Lamb film and/or photo!

She is very nosey and she’s already nine days old!  She has changed everyone’s lives.

5 thoughts on “First Orchid

  1. Kerry

    That is not a gratuitous film – it is entirely necessary for life affirmation: thank you for providing an essential Cheering up Not Corvid service
    Glad your head cleared and that yoU were rewarded by the sighting of a glorious orchid

  2. loiuse Whyte

    wonderful orchid. I am seeing some of the poppies and lupins coming up, I gathered lots of seeds last summer and spread them and can see them coming up, no idea what colours or how many but at least hope. Give the wonderful Beanne a hug.

  3. Carol

    love your site daily…nice way to start my day!!! thank you…the headaches are horrible had them my
    whole life…used progesterone cream & they went away…just a thought of something to try…
    again keep up the good work…loveyou from America….a fan…

  4. Linda

    It’s just so nice to all the blooming everywhere – but especially an orchid!

    Lambie sure seems to like that camera lens… 😉


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