Everybody Needs a Minion

I am counting the days.

I need my little boys (aka The Minions) home.  I miss them so much.

This winter, Lyradale has been a perfect home for them.  It is the perfect place.

I visit Lyradale daily (or someone does if I can’t go) armed with a carrot each and a hug/kiss – plus I have to put a headcollar on Brá no matter what as she is determined to be feral, if she has her way.  Sadly, for her, my way is to catch her, no matter what.  I am winning this battle.

Sometimes I sit on a stragically placed rock and whoever comes to talk to me.  Today it was Lyra and Tiddles.

Lyra and I practised our selfie skills.

(please excuse my double chins)

Meanwhile, while Lyra and I were busy being the beautiful people, Tiddles was busy eating the camera!  We had words about this speshul skill.

When the weather warms up just a tad, I am going to get my little boys home.

They need to be home.

And I need them.

The Minions make me smile all summer.

I think Albie and Newt (and possibly Efstur and Hjalti) need The Minions too.

Everybody needs a Minion.

6 thoughts on “Everybody Needs a Minion

  1. Sam

    Yes, everyone DOES need a Minion. If not one in person then perhaps Storm or Tiddle’s noses on a mug? (hint, hint).


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