Every Day

Every day, one of us (either Daisy or I) drives over to Sandness to see the little herd of Shetland ponies who live there.


Yesterday, it was a soggy cold Shetland winter afternoon.


I always bring four carrots with me.


They know this.


And now expect it!  According to Vitamin, it is The Law.


For me, having ponies far from home is always difficult. I want them all around the house but it is just not practical but I know they are fine living where they are.


I keep thinking I must move these ponies as they stand by the roadside fence waiting for the school children going past and I bet they beg treats off them too.  That part of the field is pretty churned up but the rest is fine, absolutely fine and when it is eaten down properly, the ponies will be moved to yet another grassy field.


Anwyay, everyone is rather on the chubby side.


Yes, Waffle, chubby.  I swear he is wider than he is taller.


Beautiful Lyra has become used to me not being Daisy now.  I think it might be the carrots.  She very graciously takes them from me.  Good for her!


And so I tickle and scratch them and tell them they are not forgotten or unloved. I am sure Daisy does the same.

On the way home, I saw the best icicle stalactites.


And Foula being enveloped in a wintry shower.


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