Drinking Gin

I haven’t got much to write …… suffice it to say that I spent my day arguing with Vodafone and British Telecommunications plc on behalf of a friend (neighbour).  My learning curve was vertical but I was not going to give in. My conclusions were that Vodafone will happily pass the buck to anyone while BT lie through their teeth.  Customer Service be damned. I hate them all.

Many hours later – broadband and internet were restored but the bl**dy Vodafone Sure Signal was not.  As I type I am hoping they will see the error of their ways, plus stop telling fibs, and make the ruddy thing work.


(a calming photo of Foula and breathe……)

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the “creepy neighbours” are now back with their herd.  It was obvious that the old boys needed to be with amongst friends and we could see that.  Ad lib food is all well and good but it is boring and who wants to live with sheep?  Haakon is now stable (with painkillers) and I know that he is happier in his herd.  Mental health is just as important as physical health in my book.

Double meanwhile, I am drinking gin to get over my encounter with Vodafone and BT.  I need it.

Don’t judge me! I’ve worked hard.

6 thoughts on “Drinking Gin

  1. Kerry

    Never, ever apologise for drinking gin. A justifiable pastime in my book (says she eyeing the unopened bottle of Brecon Beacon in the fridge….) and particularly after arguing with those toe rags.

  2. Sam

    Don’t apologize – have one for me! Tomorrow will be spent fighting with an intrackable choreographer over a silly dance move that crumbles the brims of my 1940’s fedoras (costume designer doing “Guys & Dolls”) – can’t drink on school grounds. Glad the creepy neighbors are back home.

  3. Margaret Robinson

    A double Gin might work as well, since you had two problems to deal with! Here in the US it’s much the same. “Customer Service” is a loosely used term and with certain companies means nothing. Not sure whether it’s totally a company’s fault or an employee’s, or perhaps both, but you’ve more than a right to sit down and enjoy yourself.

    The Boys were cute whist it lasted, but going back with their herd is much better. The sheep, plus two ponies would make a lot of wanderers and require a lot of special treatment.

    Sometimes there just aren’t words. You’ve done well.

  4. Linda K

    I’ve had a cider so I can’t judge.
    Yes, whatever did happen to customer service. It’s an alien concept to some companies now, once they have your contract.

    So pleased Hakkon is in better shape and glad he’s back with his pals.

  5. Terri

    I’m in love with the calming photo of Foula. An antidote to frustration. Keep looking at it. And, in the meantime, cheers!


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