Being Silly Billies

The Minions have many names as a group – The Ickle Pickles, The Evil Weevils, The Webbies, Oi You 3, Tribblets, to name but a few.

I brought the Minions, who were Webbies by then (webbed feet from all the rain), into their shed and paddock last night, thinking they had probably had enough of being soaked.  They were very grateful and by the state of their shed this morning, I think they stayed there all night having a party.

Today promised to be dry so I took off Storm’s third rug (aka The Bat) and left them all around the outside of the house so I could rush out with another rug in case it rained and Storm melted. One hint of a drop and I am out there whippet-like, clutching a headcollar to drag him into the shed and get him dressed again. Storm has grown accustomed to my madness and just stands there with the look of one who has to wear school uniform.  The others, to be fair, have given up pointing and laughing.

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Lots of playing today.  It was lovely to see.


(loving the teefs …..


….. and the little skippetty hoofs)


Silver has really come into himself.  He is a complicated lad but inside there is a heart of gold.  He just doesn’t believe a human wants to talk or give him anything nice whereas the others know me and my pockets well.  But he sidles up when I least expect it and is quietly cuddly.  He moves beautifully too (that would be the imaginary part Arabian coming to the fore – طبق فضي للمائدة).

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They still love their toys, though and, despite pretending to be all grown up like the big ones, they remain my bebbies.


❤ ❤ My silly-billy bebbies ❤ ❤


7 thoughts on “Being Silly Billies

  1. Louise

    Bad day here today my father who is our rock is very poorly. This made me smile and I love the pics of Silver. Thank you for sharing Frances x

  2. roberta earley

    Storms tidemark reminds me of my sister and I taking 2 Shetlands to the Dandenong Scottish Heritage Day. Fergus, is black so no problems, but pigpen Lily (White/grey), we bathed rugged and put them on the float, arrived threw their warm rugs over the top.(I know Australia) and fed and watered, bunked down for the night. Got up readied ourselves, took the rugs of the pair, Fergus O’Feral had tipped the water bucket and Lily lay in it so 5 mins to ring time and a tidemark half way up her side……………..all we could do was laugh……….

  3. Terri

    This post warms the cockles of my heart…lovely Mum you are to your Bebbies!. Storm has his own personal attendant in you. I’m glad you decided Silver was a keeper — and he has proven it. I love seeing them all run and play so happily (after their touch-and-go recovery from the brink of you-know-what earlier this year). Go Tribblets! Party on! xos


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